2006年7月26日 星期三






Paul D.在逃出奴工營後(四十六個被銬鐐鍊住的奴工在暴風雨之夜憑著默契一同逃跑的情節實在太神奇了),問了收容他的印第安人,該如何能到那個自由的、神奇的、仁慈又歡迎人的北方呢?

The Cherokee smiled and looked around. The flood rains of a month ago had turned everything to stream and blossoms.

"That way," he said, pointing. "Follow the tree flowers," he said. "Only the tree flowers. As they go, you go. You will be where you want to be when they are gone.

So he raced from dogwood to blossoming peach. When they thinned out he headed for the cherry blossoms, then magnolia, chinaberry, pecan, walnut and prickly pear. At last he reached a field of apple trees whose flowers were just becoming tiny knots of fruits. Spring sauntered north, but he had to run like hell to keep it as his traveling companion. From February to July he was on the lookout for blossoms. When he lost them, and found himself without so much as a petal to guide him, he paused, climbed a tree on a hilllock and scanned the horizon for a flash of pink or white in the leaf world that surrounded him. He did not touch them or stop to smell. He merely followed in their wake, a dark ragged figure guided by the blossoming plums.



【Thirty-Mile Woman】

書中另外讓我印象深刻的是Sixo和他的 Thirty-Mile Woman。之所以叫做Thirty-Mile Woman是因為這位Sixo的情人住在距離三十英哩之外,Sixo經常都得犧牲唯一休假的一天,在週六晚上就出發,走一夜的路,然後在週日早上情人上教堂之前到達,跟她道聲早安,然後就得啟程往回走,以免誤了周一早上的工作。

這兩人雖然書中份量不多,可是兩人之間的幾個交往細節,就像是漫畫大師的作品,簡單幾筆就形象鮮明,可謂本書的最佳男女配角。在約定一同逃亡的晚上,Paul D 和這位Thirty-Mile Woman在河岸一起等待Sixo,Paul D在心裡納悶:怎麼有這麼平凡無趣的女人。可是一等Sixo到達,她馬上變得活潑迷人,像是從內在點起火光的陶瓷胚胎。

She is lit now with some glowing, something shining that comes from inside her. Before when she knelt on creek pebbles with Paul D, she was nothing, a shape in the dark breathing lightly.


"She is a friend of my mind. She gathered me, man. The pieces I am, she gather them and give them back to me in all the right order. It's good, you know, when you got a woman who is a friend of your mind."


【You your best thing】

書的末尾,Beloved離開了, Paul D.回來找Sethe。

"Paul D?"

"What, baby?"

"She left me."

"Aw, girl. Don't cry."

"She was my best thing."

Paul D sits down in the rocking chair and examines the quilt patched in carnival colors. His hands are limp between his knees. There are too many things to feel about this woman. His head hurts. ...

He is staring at the quilt but he is thinking about her wrought-iorn back; the delicous mouth still puffy at the corner from Ella's fist. The mean black eyes. The wet dress steaming before the fire. Her tenderness about his neck jewelry -- its three wands, like attentive baby rattlers, curving two feet into the air. How she never mentioned or looked at it, so he did not have to feel the shame of being collared like a beast. Only this woman Sethe could have left him his manhood like that. He wants to put his story next to hers.

"Sethe," he says, "me and you, we got more yesterday than any body. We need some kind of tomorrow."

He leans over and takes her hand. With the other he touches her face. "You your best thing, Sethe. You are." His holding fingers are holding hers.

"Me? Me?"


好吧,我承認 We need some kind of tomorrow.聽起來很像媚俗的電影台詞。不過當Sethe聽到Paul D說You your best thing.時,她驚訝不定的回答 Me? Me? 充份表現了她不知自我內在價值的驚疑,讀來儘是心酸。

Oscar Peterson, "Hymn to Freedom"

5 則留言:

  1. 說實在的,之前看過的書介或評論,一點也引不起我的興趣,覺得怎麼有那麼夾纏不清的寫法,雖然我一向很喜歡Toni Morrison,不大相信那會是她的風格。



  2. Arkun, 因為你引的這幾段, 我才發現, Morrison 的寫作中也有很多對週圍物品的細微描述, 我曾以為張愛玲那種對細節的"繁瑣" 是阻礙西方讀者了解她的原因之一, 但是看到你引的這幾段我就在想其實 Morrison 這兒也有類似的作法, 這種風格有點怪, 用寫實營造鬼魅的氛圍?

  3. The pieces I am,she gather them and give them to me in all the right order-----好感人的話,愛情真的是能讓人發掘自我更真實的存在吧。

  4. Lili,Morrison的書我只讀了這一千零一本,但是我喜歡的作家好像都擅長繁瑣細緻的描述。不過別被情節簡介給騙了,這書裡鬼魅的氣氛其實不是你想像中的那樣。


  5. 沒有啦, 我沒講清楚, 鬼魅是說他的風格, 我記得很多人用鬼魅來討論 Morrison 和 Faulkner 的類似, 也記得好像是王德威用鬼魅討論張愛玲的風格, 就把他們聯想在一起了...那個繁瑣的敘述其實也不是我的創見, 是周蕾寫到中國現代性時寫到, 這是中國現代性的特殊點, 就是敘述是很女性, 很細微的, 我之前看 Morrison 這本並沒有這種感覺, 不過那是很多年前了, 其實印象不深, 看了你這一段才覺得, 大家都用Woolf 式的意識流或 Faulkner 的南方鬼魅情調形容 Morrison 的風格, 其實她也許也有很寫實細微的地方, 可是這種風格卻有點無法 fit in 西方的現代性, 所以就好像被批評家忽略了... :-P



我的部落格, 2005 - 2019,請安息。 在某個層面上,可以埋了它我感到鬆了一口氣。 曾經那個對著未知的虛擬空間交心的時代早已過去,無畏的心境裸露現在回顧只覺得不堪回首。 最早熱衷於部落格發表時所拍的無趣構圖、失焦相片,當時天真的喜悅現在感到羞赧不已。 偶而...